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Household Support Fund 24-25
Supermarket vouchers or a grant for household items needed are available for carers living in Hampshire or caring for someone living in Hampshire (not available in Southampton or Portsmouth). Funding is available until 30th April 2025 unless it is spent before then. You need to choose the supermarket where you wish to use the voucher (ASDA, Aldi, B&M, Farmfoods, M&S, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Tesco or Waitrose). Alternatively request the household item you would like to purchase. To apply, please fill in the form below and send it back to [email protected] If you are unable to fill out the form, please email us and we will send you an application form by email. Funding is also available from Andover MIND and Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire. Please note you can only apply to one of the three organisations for funding.
This strategy was published on 26th February 2024 by Hampshire Carers Partnership after consultation between carers and several organisations that work with carers. It includes a revised Hampshire Carers Charter with principles for use by any organisation that supports carers. It is available by clicking below. It will soon be available in ‘easy read’. It will also be on Connect to Support Hampshire. An Action Plan is being developed to ensure ongoing work on the key aims. More information in coming months. If any organisation that supports carers would like to adopt the Strategy or the Charter or become a member of Hampshire Carers Partnership please contact Carers Together on: Tel: 01794 519495 or Email: [email protected].
Carers are people who give their time, unpaid, to support relatives, friends or neighbours. This may be because they are old and frail, have a disability or a long or short term health condition.
Carers Together is a carer-led charity that offers support for unpaid carers living anywhere in Hampshire including Southampton and Portsmouth.
If we can't help you, we will find the information or contact for somebody who can help you.
Contact us today and see how we can support you...
Main Office Open Tuesday - Friday, 10.00am - 2.00pm Hampshire Carers Centre 9 Love Lane Romsey Hampshire SO51 8DE Tel: 01794 519495 Email: [email protected]
Carers Active Listening Line Tel: 08000 323456 This is a helpline for carers who can phone and speak to someone in confidence about any caring issues they may have. CALL is: - Free - Independent - Confidential - Impartial - Supportive - Non-judgemental Available 365 days a year. Monday-Friday: 10.00am-8.00pm Bank Holidays & Weekends: 10.00am-4.00pm